BIT Blog | analysts-insights-11-july-2023

Analysts' Insights

Analysts' Insights

Decoding the Resilient Bitcoin Bull Market Signal

1) Triggered for the 5th time. Predicting that we will enter a new Bitcoin bull market.

2) 40 crypto news sites have picked up our analysis; in the aggregate, one million readers have seen this analysis. Only a few will take it seriously and act on it. The rest will be surprised when Bitcoin makes a new high.

3) There have been four Bitcoin bull markets (2011, 2013, 2017 and 2021) and the ‘one-year high for the first time in a year’ signal has predicted each of the last three.

4) The point of the ‘Crypto Titans’ book was to show that crypto is not random and to point out the drivers of each of those bull markets, helping everyone understand and hopefully catch the next bull market

5) Statistically, there is now a realistic chance that we will be entering one shortly despite the lack of a strong theme driving the market.

6) On June 22 2023, Bitcoin made a new one-year high, marking the first time in a year. This signal has been triggered four times and in all four cases, the bull market fully unfolded within 12-18 months.

7) If history is any guide, then, there is now a 100% probability that by the end of 2024, Bitcoin will experience another massive bull market with a price target of $125,000 (+310%) — based on the previous three signals.

8) The signal also predicts two months of consolidation before the rally starts. By then, many will have forgotten this powerful signal.

9) This analysis overlaps with the four-year Bitcoin halving cycle and the 3.5-year Bitcoin bull market cycle – both are projecting a big rally in 2024.

10) In confirmation, the stock-to-flow model suggests that the price should sustainably rise above $100,000 within the next halving (May 2024).

The signal is far too important to be ignored…


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